Friday 5 January 2018


The idea behind that the computers possess "intelligence" is nothing new. These influences are the usage of Internet-connected devices and mass distribution. They produce enormous amounts of data. Software algorithms and Cloud computing can identify patterns within the data. For the upcoming generations, the advancement in artificial intelligence is going to be the story. But it is not restricted to the upcoming year. There are eight possible ways AI will start beginning to impact on our lives.
1. There will be virtual assistant for everyone, and they are going to be super smart
2. The voice-based gadgets are going to work all together
3. Facial recognition
4. There will be talks about AI everywhere
5. According to one’s personal preferences AI will generate media specific
6. Artificial intelligence is going to help in writing news and tailored market reports specifically for a person based on their interest
7. Our computer might become more empathetic
8. The Doctors are going to start using the AI

At our conference, we do have a detailed session for AI. With the gathering of experts in AI industry, learn more and get a chance to share your ideas globally. World Congress on Computer Science, Machine learning and Big data analytics which is being held on 30th and 31st August 2018 at Dubai, UAE. Computer science Meet 2018 is expected to give in-vogue Computer technologies like Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big data analytics, enlisted, diverse pros and understudies working in the field to consider, exchange views and their experiences before an extensive worldwide social occasion of individuals.

Major highlights included are:
Computer Image Processing
Machine learning
Deep learning
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence applications
Big data
Data mining and many more…
For more details check out the website:
Contact: Claire Deschamps

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