Tuesday 8 May 2018

“Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence. It gives machines the ability to learn, without being explicitly programmed.”

Machine learning consists of a suite of intelligent algorithms, enabling machines to learn without being explicitly programmed for it. Machine learning helps you learn the objective function — which maps the inputs to the target variable, or independent variables to the dependent variables.
Machine Learning is the latest buzzword floating around, and quite rightly so. It’s one of the most interesting and fastest growing subfields of Computer Science. To put it simply, Machine Learning is what makes your Artificial Intelligence intelligent. Most people find the inner-workings of Machine Learning mysterious – but that’s far from the truth.
Suppose you replace yourself with a machine. Now, we have two ways of going forward:
Non-Machine Learning Approach
A generic, non-machine learning approach would be to measure the angle and distance and then use a formula to calculate the optimal force required. Now, suppose we add another variable – a fan that adds some wind force. Our non-ML program will fail almost certainly owing to the added variable. If we’re to get it work, we need to reprogram it keeping the wind factor in mind and the formula.
Machine Learning Approach
Now, if we were to device a Machine Learning based approach for the same problem, it’d also begin with a standard formula – but, after every experience, it’d update/refractor the formula. The formula will get improved continuously using more experiences (known as ‘data points’ in the world of Machine Learning) – this will lead to improvements in the outcome as well. You experience these things on a daily basis in the form of your Facebook newsfeed, or custom curated YouTube suggestions or other things of this sort – you get the gist.

Neural Networks: Applications in the Real World
Neural Networks find extensive applications in areas where traditional computers don’t fare too well. Neural Networks form the entire basis and have applications in Artificial Intelligence, and consequently, Machine Learning algorithms. Before we get to how Neural Networks power Artificial Intelligence, let’s first talk a bit about what exactly is Artificial Intelligence.
For the longest time possible, the word “intelligence” was just associated with the human brain. But then, something happened! Scientists found a way of training computers by following the methodology our brain uses. Thus, came Artificial Intelligence, which can essentially be defined as intelligence originating from machines. To put it even more simply, Machine Learning is simply providing machines with the ability to “think”, “learn”, and “adapt”.
With so much said and done, it’s imperative to understand what exactly are the use cases of AI, and how Neural Networks help the cause. Let’s dive into the applications of Neural Networks across various domains – from Social Media and Online Shopping, to Personal Finance, and finally, to the smart assistant on your phone.
With so much said and done, it’s imperative to understand what exactly are the use cases of AI, and how Neural Networks help the cause. Let’s dive into the applications of Neural Networks across various domains – from Social Media and Online Shopping, to Personal Finance, and finally, to the smart assistant on your phone.

Contact: Claire Deschamps

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